Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Carpatho-Rusyn Palachinky (Crepes)

2 cups flour
3 cups milk
5 eggs
½ cup sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla

Beat eggs and sugar until frothy. Add salt and 1 ½ cups of milk. Beat flour in slowly until smooth. Add the rest of the milk and beat. Batter is much thinner than pancake batter. Take non stick pan and place a small amount of oil in it. When oil is hot, pour the batter into the pan and swirl around pan until it thinly covers the bottom. Do this on medium high heat. When edges start to turn brown, flip crepe over with spatula. Let cook for only another 10 seconds, then remove from heat. Fill with apricot jam, strawberry jam or the following cheese mixture:

½ cup sugar
1 TBS vanilla
1 2# container of ricotta cheese

Mix all three together then spread on crepe. Roll crepe with mixture on the inside.


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