On the radiant and world-saving feast of the Lord's Resurrection I am glad in my heart to greet you with the inspired and unchanging great words of the Paschal good news:
For this reason we now cry aloud with St. John Chrysostom: Let no one lament his poverty, for the Kingdom has come for all!' When we celebrate Christ's Bright Resurrection we testify to how true these words are, for each person, even the greatest sinner, has been redeemed by the blood of Christ and has hope in salvation. Our sins, as all the sins of the human race, have been ransomed by the precious blood of the One who was crucified. In order to perceive the fruits of the Redemption one must have faith and be baptized (see: Mk. 16:16). Most of our nation has been baptized, yet how few who have faith are capable of changing their life.
The transformation of our life in Christ does not simply mean change for the better. It is a radical change that leads the human person to the triumph of life and fullness of being (cf.: Jn. 10:10) in both our sojourn on earth and in the age to come.
The ability of looking at history in the light of Christ's Resurrection is especially important in our time - a time of the dominance of a media-influenced world whereby our hopes and aspirations are constrained by immediate concerns, and the rapid flow of time compels our contemporaries into forgetting that the days are evil' (Eph. 5:16). By living by current events, and the fears and troubles of a single day, we are inclined to forget that which is important - the salvation of the soul, Divine Providence, and that which is good and perfect.
Christ's Resurrection indeed does allow us to transcend the vanity of everyday life so that we may see the true majesty of God's love, which for the good of the human person condescended even unto the Cross and death. It is therefore important for us to realize that by his Resurrection the Lord renews human nature by granting fortification of the inner strength of every Christian in his ministry to the Church, country, society, family, and neighbour.
May the risen Saviour inspire in our souls the firm resolve to follow his commandments!
Let us share with one another the joy of today's feast! Let us warm the hearts of those who today suffer and experience privation. Let us direct our Paschal greeting to all people, to our neighbours and those far from us. Let us work hard for the prospering of the countries where we live.
Again from the depths of my heart I utter to you the exclamation of the Paschal joy in God who has trampled down death and has risen up with himself all of humankind:
Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia
2010 AD
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