Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Catholic festivities not best occasion for Pope's visit to THE Ukraine - Moscow Patriarchate

Moscow, May 26, Interfax - The Moscow Patriarchate has made it understood that the possible visit by Pope Benedict XVI to Ukraine to mark 600th anniversary since the capital city of the Catholic metropolitans was transferred from Galich to Lvov, will not benefit relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Vatican.

"The celebration of the 600th anniversary since the residence of Galich Catholic metropolitans was moved to Lvov is not the best occasion for the Pontiff's visit to the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church," [Note: 600 years ago the Metropolia of Galich was RUSSIAN ORTHODOX and reliant upon the omophorion of the RUSSIAN ORTHODOX Metropolitan of Kiev who had transferred that cathedra to Moscow. The Lvov cathedra valiantly resisted Unia and fought Brest until Unia was imposed on Galicia by the Austrian crown in a prolonged process of resistance lasting from 1692-1712.] Priest Dimitry Sizonenko, acting secretary for inter-Christian relations of the Moscow Patriarchate's External Church Relations Department, told Interfax-Religion.

Benedict XVI was invited to visit Ukraine in 2012, when the festivities will take place, Archbishop Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki said on Tuesday.

Father Dimitry said, however, that the Moscow Patriarchate has not received such information from the Vatican so far.

"It would make sense to speak about the Moscow Patriarchate's position on Benedict XVI's visit to Ukraine only after this visit has been officially announced by the Vatican's press service," he said.

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Relations between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Roman Catholic Church have "significantly improved, and cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two churches have been broadening in international organizations, including in the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and UNESCO," he said.

"But obvious progress in Orthodox-Catholic dialog has not eased the poignancy of the unsettled situation in Ukraine's western regions. It is the most painful aspect in our relations. There is however every reason to hope that these problems will be resolved, the Vatican demonstrates a greater understanding today of the Moscow Patriarchate's position," Father Dimitry said.

Ukrainians Hoping for '12 Papal Visit

KIEV, Ukraine, MAY 25, 2010 ( The archbishop of Lviv [sic! L-V-O-V]says Benedict XVI has been invited to visit Ukraine in 2012, to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the change of the Church's headquarters from Galich to Lviv [sic! L-V-O-V].

Archbishop Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki announced today that the invitation has been made, clarifying that no official dates were set.

The archbishop -- who worked in the private secretariat of Pope John Paul II and then of Benedict XVI -- added that possible dates are to be analyzed so that the Holy See can give an official confirmation.

It would be the second papal visit to Ukraine after the nation's 1991 independence. John Paul II visited in 2001.

The visit would have particular importance in the context of ecumenical relations with the Orthodox Church, which is one of Benedict XVI's priorities.


Ukraine has a population of some 45 million, with about 80% of them belonging to branches of the Orthodox Church. About 10% of Ukrainians are either Greek or Roman Catholic.

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