Sunday, May 16, 2010


A certain person entered a monastery dispensary and asked the doctor, an elder:

— Do you have a medicine [to treat] sin?

— Yes, he replied. Here is the prescription:

1. Heat up roots of obedience.
2. Gather flowers of spiritual purity.
3. Pick leaves of patience.
4. Gather flowers of sincerity.
5. Do not become intoxicated with adultery.
6. Dry them all with the fast of abstinence.
7. Put them into a pot of good deeds.
8. Moisten them with tears of repentance.
9. Season them with the salt of reverent awe.
10. Add the bounties of virtues,
11. And to everything add the powder of humility
12. And bending of the knees.
13. Each day, take three spoonfuls of the fear of God.
14. Clothe yourself in the clothing of righteousness
15. And don’t engage in idle talk, or you will again be chilled by, and become sick with, sin.

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