Saturday, June 5, 2010

Yanukovich: I would not recognize S Ossetia, Abkhazia independence

KIEV, June 4 (Itar-Tass) -- Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich said on Friday he would hardly ever recognize independent Caucasian republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

“International laws and norms prohibit any violations of the integrity of this or that state,” he told a news conference and reminded that he had actively opposed “recognizing independence of Kosovo, which gave birth to the policy of double standards.”

[No mention of genocide in the Caucasus sponsored and directed by US-Israeli advisors during that war, nor any remorse over "Ukrainian" (in all actuality, Galician Neo Nazis) nationals fighting against Russia in that conflict. Nor does he seem to care about the destruction of Serbian Orthodox cultural landmarks, churches, monasteries and the displacement of Serbian Orthodox people and the expansion of Islamism in Eurasia. Genocide is good as far as "blue and yellow" is concerned if it is sponsored by the West. Because that is what the "pseudo-culture of mova" has to hold on to in the hope of somehow legitimatizing its slave dialect and russophobic (as in regard to Kievan Rus' and even the Russian Brotherhoods of Little Russia) identity. These people will do anything for the West including selling their children to pedophiles in pornography and then using their press to blame and fault the children and say "They like it". Degenerate scum. They are such hateful toadies and fatally Polish in their sycophancy to the West that troops should be mobilized and placed on the border as well as placed in Moldavia with the fleet on stand by to ONCE AND FOR ALL CLOSE THE RUSSIAN FRONTIER, AKA "Ukraina", and reapportion these RUSSIAN territories accordingly to RESTORE RUSSIAN AND RUSIN identity and culture! After all, the USA closed its frontier in 1900. It is time for Russia to do the same. We must liberate the cradle of Rus' and purge our history of the dark day of "Ukrainian nationalism"!

This disagreeable "blue and yellow" apparatchik is no doubt afraid of the partitions to come of the Russian frontier, AKA "Ukraina" ("Ukraina" means "frontier" and since it occupies the old capitol lands of Rus', it is HISTORICALLY ACCURATE to translate it as "Russian frontier".) and paid off by London, Washington and Tel Aviv to make such traitorous statements. Kuchma has risen from the political grave in the person of this corrupt wannabe oligarch. No good can be expected of anything "blue and yellow", no matter what farsical "pro-Russian" appelation it applies to itself. "Ukrainian nationalism" in whatever guise is a hostile and russophobic self-loathing orientation which occupies the lands of Rus', while hating her and acting to dispossess and repress the people of Rus' in the most totalitarian of ways, by robbing them of their Russian identities and imposing upon them a nineteenth century Austrian-concocted quack "nationality" to deconstruct Holy Rus' and her achievements and subjugate them to the Vatican and the undead "McCulture" of Europe. This new serfdom of ethnic identity and "mova pseudo culture" is a glorification of recz pospolita's lash and its accursed Unia.

After all, Russians don't "movich". POLES DO! (Yet strangely the Poles, the sires of the BASTARD "mova pseudo culture", call their language a "JEZYK"! That is a glaring admission of the real linguistic status of this pseudo-morphosed SLAVE DIALECT AND ITS "culture" and "nationality".)

The Russian and RUSIN (AKA "Ukrainian" and Carpatho Rusin) people HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF "mova pseudo culture" and look forward to the day when we once and for all extinguish it in the stable of Polish Western slavery in which it raped Russian womanhood and RESTORE RUS' to the Ukraine and Carpatho Russia. We are constantly set upon to reratify the work of Hetman Khmelnitsky and the Russian Brotherhoods. Even Vygovsky's abolition of Unia on these territories! ENOUGH!!! To this traitor, we faithful Orthodox sons and daughters of Rus' (and of the Northern Caucasus) reply, "Look to your predecessors Mazeppa and Petlura in order to see how Russia greets your treason and how well we will suffer it!" The Cossacks will be back in the Ukraine again and then you "blue and yellow accursed neRus'" will come to understand how Russian and how Orthodox they are and ALWAYS WERE.-R)

Timoshenko criticizes first 100 days of President Yanukovich

KIEV, June 4 (Itar-Tass) -- Ex-premier and bloc leader Yulia Timoshenko gave a press conference on Friday in reply to President Viktor Yanukovich’s press conference.

The introductory speech, which lasted for about an hour, criticized the first 100 days of Yanukovich’s presidency as ‘a tragedy for Ukrainian democracy’ [White slavery is one of the few "accomplishments" of this "democracy" as well as Neo-Unia and Third World poverty on Russian territory. Just shameless. This Eva Braun is as much an enemy to herself as she is to the Ukraine while she is too ignorant to even realize it.-R]. In her words, Yanukovich “developed an authoritarian government model and introduced media censorship, which brought the country back to the Soviet times.”

Timoshenko called for unity, which would prevent “the worst in the Ukrainian development.”

“In the 100 days [of his presidency] Viktor Yanukovich almost built an authoritarian model. This model will not serve the nation, and Ukraine is entering a new period, which will not be pleasant for citizens. Election promises of Yanukovich have not been kept,” she said.

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